World Music School (WMS) Open Mic at the Helsinki Open Waves
A 40 min live show, moderated by Pedro Aibéo, chairman of the WMS at the Helsinki Open Waves in Caisa. Every 4th Wednesday of the month at 16:00 Finnish time.
The show invites musicians to talk about their work and lives and play live music. The goal is to promote local artists, preferably from foreign backgrounds and around world music. The interview is done in different languages (EN, PT, DE, ES, FR).
The guest of this episode is Maimu Jõgeda an Estonian accordionist lighting up the world with her unique and reflective style of playing. With roots from the southern part of Estonia, she has always been interested in folk music. One day these traditional music influences sparked her own tradition and she started to write her own music. In the summer of 2017 she released her debut album Pühendus (‘Dedication’) and followed with second album “The one about…” just 3 years later. “The one about…” (2020) consists of 9 compositions of her own and 3 Estonian bagpipe tunes, all of them arranged & played solo by herself. Maimu was nominated for best contemporary folk artist at the Estonian Ethno Music Awards 2020. She describes her music as meditative, letting the listener travel through the fantasy worlds that the music creates. Past five years she has been living in the Nordics and her new compositions have a strong influence from these times. She graduated from University of the Arts in June 2023 and received a Master’s degree in Nordic folk music. Jõgeda is an internationally active musician who’s honesty and warm heart will surely be noticed as she walks on the stage.
Maimu Jõgeda on akordionist, kelle muusika viib kuulajad radadele, kuhu tahaks lõpmata pikaks ajaks ilu nautima jääda. Võrumaa juurtega muusiku suureks huviks ja inspiratsiooniallikaks on pärimusmuusika. Ühel hetkel hakkas temas helisema tema oma pärimus, mis praeguseks lausa kahe plaadi kuju saanud. Maimu Jõgeda debüütalbum “Pühendus” nägi ilmavalgust aastal 2017 ning mais 2020 avaldas ta teise albumi “Millestki, mis…” (“The one about…”), kus kohtub Maimu omalooming eesti torupillilugudega ning põimub kõrvupaitavaks tervikuks. Akordionist lõpetas Sibeliuse akadeemia olles teise eestlasena osa magistriprogrammist Nordic Master in Folk Music. Maimu on olnud nomineeritud aastatel 2018 ja 2020 Eesti Pärimusmuusika auhindadel parima uusfolk artisti kategoorias. Rahvusvahelise karjääriga muusik loob muusikat siiralt ning annab seda oskuslikult oma kontsertidel edasi.
Producer & Host: Pedro Aibéo
Guest: Maimu Jõgeda
Sound recording, editing & live streaming: Bailey Polkinghorne
*The audio piece was recorded and edited at the Helsinki Open Waves performance & recording room located at Caisa.
**The views expressed in this audio piece and texts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of Helsinki Open Waves.
***If you have any feedback regarding the content of the podcast, please contact us via