Welcome to Helsinki Open Waves!

This is a pilot version of the platform. Some of our activities are still under development.

Please navigate through our pilot Open Call and familiarize yourself with our selected themes . Please don't hesitate to send us your proposals!

If you have comments and/or suggestions, please contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

Stay tuned!


Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions


Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) at CAISA / Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions:

Privacy statement: Open Call Application register

This Open Call page is maintained by Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) at CAISA, Helsinki ( “HOW”, “HOW and CAISA”, “we”, “us” or “our”). If you would like to provide feedback regarding the Open Call process, please email us at helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

This privacy policy sets out the basis on which we (or third parties dealing with personal data on our behalf) collect, handle, process, store, transfer and destruct personal data. Please read this privacy policy carefully. By visiting this website you are accepting the terms of this privacy policy.

HOW and CAISA take your online privacy seriously, and we wish to assure you that we take seriously our responsibilities in protecting and safeguarding this information and in meeting the requirements of the Personal Data.

We require that all members of staff, and any third party dealing with Personal Data on our behalf, comply fully with the terms of this privacy policy and any other instructions relating to Data protection that may be issued or updated by us from time to time.

Definition of Data Protection Terms

Data means any representation of information (including an expression of opinion) in any document and includes any personal identifier.

Data Subject means an individual who is the subject of Personal Data.

Personal Data means any Data:

  • relating directly or indirectly to a living individual;
  • from which it is practicable for the identity of the individual to be directly or indirectly ascertained; and
  • in a form in which access to or Processing of the Data is practicable.

Data User means an individual who, either alone or jointly or in common with other persons, controls the collection, holding, Processing or use of Personal Data.

Data Processor means a person, who processes Personal Data on behalf of HOW and CAISA and does not process the Personal Data for any of the person’s own purposes.

Data Processing includes, in relation to Personal Data, amending, augmenting, deleting or rearranging the Data, whether by automated means or otherwise.

Privacy statement: Open Call Application Register

Familiarise yourself with the privacy statement pertaining to the person register of the Helsinki Open Waves’s Open Call caldera form. Your personal data will be available only to the Helsinki Open Waves’s and CAISA’s internal Open Call application evaluators.

The Helsinki Open Waves and CAISA are committed to managing personal data according to privacy laws and good data processing practices. Privacy laws here refer in particular to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and national personal data legislation.

Data Controller: Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) is a nonprofit, fee-free platform supported by CAISA/Helsinki City. HOW is Founded & Produced by Erol Mintas, Curated & Produced by Sofia Deligiannaki, and operating its events for and at CAISA (Caisa is a cultural center established in 1996 that promotes the development of Helsinki into a diverse city by means of the arts and culture. Caisa hosts performances, events, and exhibitions, and also provides teaching in the arts. The facilities are also available for rent).

Address: Kaikukatu 4 B, 00530 Helsinki, PL 10408, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki.

And its website: www.helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

Name of the register:

The Helsinki Open Waves (HOW)’s Open Call Form at CAISA.

Register contact person:

CAISA, PRODUCER(Cultural events), Kitari Mayale: kitari.mayele@hel.fi

The purpose, legal basis and data sources of personal data processing:

The collected data is used for processing, evaluation, decisions, and communications concerning the applications/proposals sent in by the participants of projects defined in the Open Call. The data provided by the applicants in their applications are recorded into the register.

The register is used to produce statistics for the evaluation and development of the Helsinki Open Waves’s operations at CAISA. The legal basis for the processing is the applicant’s voluntary, ascertained, informed and unambiguous expression of consent with which they approve of the processing of their data. The data is gathered from the applicants.

For the sake of clarity, it must be noted that the applicants are registered data subjects according to privacy legislation. Saving and processing the data is based on the consent of the applicant. The registration of all the data subjects is based on the voluntary, ascertained, informed and unambiguous consent with which they approve the processing of their personal data. For the sake of clarity, it must be noted that if the applicant withdraws their consent but not their Open Call application, the Helsinki Open Waves and CAISA have the legal basis, warranted by legitimate interests, to process the personal data in order to fulfill its purpose.

The register’s data content:

The applicant’s data: The applicant’s full name, birthplace, year of birth, address, phone number, email address, city of residence, nationality, languages, gender information and the country of residence and profession.

Appendices and their data:

Justification for the proposals, the proposal for the program, the motivation letter, the purpose of the project, dates, and program, the purpose of the project in terms of theme, the theme and type of the program, a CV, biographies, pictures of the works, the program and proposal’s plan, the distribution plan, short bio and relevant experience, link(s) to an online portfolio or other material (optional).

Administrative information for open call applications.

The applications’ processing, decision, and communication between the data subject and the register administrator.

Register users:

The personal data will be processed by the Helsinki Open Waves’s Founder&Producer, the Helsinki Open Waves’s Curator & Producer, CAISA’s director and program director. Selected evaluators appointed by the Helsinki Open Waves and CAISA. Access is controlled by limiting it to read-only rights or to updating only those fields that are required by the user’s tasks.

The register’s encryption and safety measures:

The data is collected into the Open Call application’s via Caldera Form and saved into an MYSQL database that is shared only with the aforementioned users of the system; the webmaster, the curator and the producers of HOW, director and program director of CAISA.

The Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) and CAISA are committed to following adequate safety measures in all its operations in order to secure personal data. The Helsinki Open Waves and CAISA regularly evaluate the efficiency of the aforementioned measures in order to secure the safety of personal data. HOW and CAISA processes the personal data confidentiality and ensures that its staff and/or subcontractors have signed a non-disclosure agreement and/or they are otherwise bound by a non-disclosure obligation.

Releasing data :

When necessary, personal data may be transferred via an electronic user-connection and processed by experts within the Helsinki Open Waves(HOW) and CAISA according to the guidelines and aims defined by Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) and CAISA.

Deleting applications and personal data:

Helsinki Open Waves and CAISA keeps the applications’ data as an archive. It can delete anytime received applications and their personal data and any additions to them within a month of the date requests for data delete are made, not including personal data necessary for administrative purposes which are stored only for the time it takes to consider notices to the authorities and possible audits.