Episode 3 | Sabor a Navidad
Sabor a Minttu será un programa de entretenimiento e intercambio de información. Pretendemos llegar a toda la comunidad hispanohablante en Finlandia. Los episodios tratarán varios temas, pero todos relacionados con Finlandia (salud pública, consejos para personas que se mudan a Finlandia, papeleo, recomendaciones, eventos públicos, etc.). Cada episodio contará con un invitado al que entrevistaremos, además de la sección “Movidas Nordicas” donde “The doctor” (un granadino en Helsinki) hablará sobre curiosidades históricas finlandesas.
En el episodio número 3, Begoña y Saioa cuentan algunas tradiciones navideñas que celebran, e invitan a Izaro (una elfa Lapona) a contarnos su experiencia como guía y ayudante de Santa Claus. “The Doctor” nos trae curiosidades sobre la navidad Finlandesa y nos deja boquiabiertas!
Sabor a Minttu will be an entertainment and information-sharing program. We intend to reach the entire Spanish-speaking community in Finland. The episodes will be on various topics but all related to Finland (public health, tips for new people moving to Finland, paperwork, recommendations, public events, etc.). Each episode will hold a guest that we will interview, plus, “The doctor” section where Jose will talk about Historical Finnish curiosities.
In episode number 3, Begoña and Saioa tell us about Christmas traditions they celebrate and invite Izaro (a Lappish elf) to tell us about her experience as a guide and helper of Santa Claus. “The Doctor” brings us curiosities about Finnish Christmas and leaves us speechless!
Producers & Hosts: Begoña Alcover, Saioa Prieto
Guests: Izaro Elosegui, Jose Cañas-Bajo
Sound recording, editing & live streaming: Bailey Polkinghorne
*The audio piece was recorded at the Helsinki Open Waves performance & recording room located at Caisa.
**The views expressed in this audio piece and texts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of Helsinki Open Waves.
***If you have any feedback regarding the content of the podcast, please contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com