Welcome to Helsinki Open Waves!

This is a pilot version of the platform. Some of our activities are still under development.

Please navigate through our pilot Open Call and familiarize yourself with our selected themes . Please don't hesitate to send us your proposals!

If you have comments and/or suggestions, please contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

Stay tuned!


Open Call


Bangawazî / Ανοικτή Πρόσκληση / فراخوان / Avoin Haku / Convocatoria Abierta / دعوة مفتوحة / Appel à Candidature / Otvoreni Poziv / Wicitaan Furan / Fungua Simu / Açık Çağrı /Открыт приём заявок / Otwarty Nabór

Welcome to the Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) Open Call page!

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.

We are here to support you in producing your work, and you own the copyright to the works that you create with the full support of HOW. We provide you with rent-free sound equipment and the HOW’s studio facilities located at Kulttuurikeskus CAISA. 

You can read below what HOW provides.

Before you send your proposal(s), please think carefully. When you select a month in the application form, your proposal will be scheduled according to the selected month in the form.  

To schedule the HOW studio located at Kulttuurikeskus CAISA for you, and for the other participants in a better way, you must submit your application(s) one month in advance.

For example, if you want to produce your work in April, you can send your proposals by the last day of February. In March you won’t be able to send the proposals for April. 

Helsinki Open Waves accepts applications on an on-going basis.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

There are several themes introduced each month regarding different topics. You can choose your preferred theme and send your proposal(s) to  Helsinki Open Waves (HOW), via the Open Call form below.

Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) is a translingual non-profit, community strength art platform that provides rent-free space and tools for all languages where people can create for themselves, and represent themselves with their languages and cultures to contribute to a more diverse society without borders. Within this platform, we explore, rethink, and reimagine new ways for a translingual society to challenge the hegemony of monolingualism.

“Humanity today is facing a massive extinction: languages are disappearing at an unprecedented pace. And when that happens, a unique vision of the world is lost. With every language that dies we lose an enormous cultural heritage; the understanding of how humans relate to the world around us; scientific, medical, and botanical knowledge; and most importantly, we lose the expression of communities’ humor, love, and life. In short, we lose the testimony of centuries of life.” Endangered Languages Project

The loss of languages, which is one of the cornerstones of culture and identity, comes to mean the loss of many memories and human experiences. Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) supports and acknowledges language revitalization in the first place and works actively against the devitalization of the languages.

Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) does not broadcast any content that is sexist, xenophobic, homophobic or contains any other form of othering towards historically oppressed communities. We do not support any content that uses propaganda tools to promote a religion or political party.

Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) provides:

  • Rent-free sound recording equipment.
  • Rent-free studio facilities at its “performance & recording room” located at Kulttuurikeskus CAISA.
  • The TEOSTO license for the live streamings via the HOW website only.
  • Technical supervision for your recordings, editing, mixing, and live streamings.
  • Full support for you to produce your own work with your full artistic independence, and you own the copyright of your works.
  • Visibility for your work by promoting on the HOW social media platforms and exhibiting on the HOW website.

Application Guidelines:

  • Open to all residents in Finland.
  • Experience is not a requirement.
  • Due to our limited resources, unfortunately, for now, the language of the application needs to be only English. We hope to have more language options in the near future for the Open Call page and the website.
  • However, you can create the content of your proposal in your own language(s) or it can be translingual as well. 
  • By applying as part of this Open Call, you agree to commit to taking the responsibility of the content of your own piece and producing it with the full support of the Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) and its resources. 

Application Requirements: 

Send a motivation letter through the OPEN CALL form on the Helsinki Open Waves (HOW)’s website.

  • The motivation letter needs to be in English.
  • In the motivation letter; we’d like to know who you are, and what makes you interested in creating this piece at Helsinki Open Waves (HOW).

Please write your Proposal clearly and briefly in English, and try to explain your idea in the most possible precise way. 

It’s optional to send us a Portfolio of any previous sound work, and other works-photography, painting, drawing, link to a video, link to a sound and radio work, etc.

* is a required field

To schedule the HOW performance and recording room located at Kulttuurikeskus CAISA for you, and for the other participants in a better way, you must submit your application(s) one month in advance.

For example, if you want to produce your work in April, you can send your proposals by the last day of February. In March you won't be able to send the proposals for April.

Please inform us what equipment you will need and will bring yourself.