Ferment Radio

June 29, 2021
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Microbes, bodies, and politics

We need new words and concepts to explain the complexity of the world. Metaphors have the potential to be a productive tool to motivate social and political change. Could metaphors contribute to creating reality rather than just explain it? What about using the human body and its microbial life as a metaphor for interconnectivity and global relations? 

In this episode of Ferment Radio, we talk about these issues with Stefanie Fishel. She’s a lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia, and the author of “The Microbial State: Global Thriving and the Body Politic”, a book about human bodies and their metaphorical relationship to global politics.

Producer & Host: Agnieszka Pokrywka
Guest: Stefanie Fishel
Sound recording & editing: Lucio Celomundo
Visuals: Super Eclectic

*The podcast has been recorded at the Helsinki Open Waves performance & recording room located at Caisa & the guest had online participation.

**The views expressed in this podcast and texts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of Helsinki Open Waves.  

***If you have any feedback regarding the content of the podcast, please contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com.

