December 10, 2024
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INFRASTRUCTURES 2. Food justice. | A talk with Katie Berns

Katie Berns⁠ is a designer and researcher from Ireland based in Finland. Currently, her research is in my focus area on Service Design for Climate Policy within the ⁠ICOS Cities ⁠project. In this interview, we discuss food infrastructures and understand her work on infrastructuring food waste activism. We talk about a concept for a smart fridge and a way of doing participatory action research with communities.

This is the second episode of a series on Infrastructures. This is a series of 5 interviews to people based or coming from: Ireland, Finland,  Denmark, France and the United States. The main focus is in understanding the possible role of design in infrastructures.

This series is part of the work done for the EU project: ⁠IRISCC.⁠ Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks. In this project we will develop services using a co-design framework. Therefore, my main question is how design could contribute to the development of services?

This podcast has been recorded in Helsinki Open Waves, an audio studio in Caisa Cultural Center, part of Helsinki City. Caisa is a cultural centre that promotes the development of Helsinki into a diverse city by means of the arts and culture.


Producer and host: Mariana Salgado
Guest: Katie Berns
Sound design: Julian Pereyra
Sound recording: Bailey Polkinghorne
Music: Antonio Zimmerman

*The audio piece was recorded at the Helsinki Open Waves performance & recording room located at Caisa.

**The views expressed in this audio piece and texts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of Helsinki Open Waves.  

***If you have any feedback regarding the content of the podcast, please contact us via helsinkiopenwaves@gmail.com

